Many times we want to find out more details about a machine. This can be because we’ve run into an issue and need to know more about what’s causing it. Or because we’re simply curious.

Whatever the reason, this page is for you.


All commands are run using a normal user, unless specified.

Operating System

Knowing what operating system is running is the first step.

lsb_release -a
cat /etc/*-release
# Not applicable for rolling distros

This will show something like (Fedora/Redhat will be shorter):

Distributor ID:	Debian
Description:	Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
Release:	9
Codename:	stretch

Filesystem locks

# and/or

List namespaces


Get Kernel version

uname -r

uname screenshot

Built in items

Show all the details

We’ll start off first with a tool that can show most if not all of the hardware details. You’ll likely need to install this, and running it as root can show more. I’ve shown the full path, as this may be needed to run it as a user.

/usr/sbin/hwinfo --short

The rest of the tools are all built-in.

CPU details

These two tools provide details about the CPU.


lspci screenshot

cat /proc/cpuinfo

lspci screenshot


List the memory.



While IPC is older, it’s still used in some systems


lsipc screenshot

Attached items

List hardware that’s connected.

PCI cards attached


lspci screenshot

USB Drives


lsusb screenshot

Disk layout

Getting the layout of your drives is easy.


Will show something like:

NAME                          MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE  MOUNTPOINTS
sda                             8:0    0 249.5G  0 disk  
├─sda1                          8:17   0   500M  0 part  /boot
└─sda2                          8:18   0   249G  0 part  
  └─luks_main                 254:0    0   249G  0 crypt 
    ├─vg_main-data            254:1    0   237G  0 lvm   /
    └─vg_main-lv_cryptswap    254:2    0    12G  0 lvm   
      └─cryptswap             254:3    0    12G  0 crypt [SWAP]
sr0                            11:0    1  1024M  0 rom 


There are many useful tools to get details about your system and it’s hardware.